SANIB-SINAG  2  March 14, 1998

and the Liberation of Women
(Text of mini-poster sent via fax to about 80 POs/NGOs 
on the occasion of International Women’s Day '98)
By Saniblakas Promotions 

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Synergism and the
Liberation of Women
THE LIBERATION OF WOMEN from patriarchal ideas and practices is in 
the best interest of entire human communities. Both the womenfolk and 
the menfolk should synergize for this liberation, and synergize further on the basis of this liberation. No positive social change is possible without it. No social change can be complete without it.

        The International Women’s Day, March 8, is a good occasion for both the women and the men to ponder these thoughts and assert them.  Likewise any or all of the other 364 days in the whole year.

CAN HUMANITY be uplifted as the female of the species merely carry and birth children and then raise them? What is often overemphasized is the woman’s ovum “waiting to be fertilized,” her pelvis structured for pregnancy or her breasts ready to nurture an infant to childhood. What is often missed out is the woman’s strength of mind and her strength of character within. What is often ignored or denied is that women’s experiences are a rich training ground for excellent leaders and managers. It’s time we ended conditions where the women are made to passively accept what they are told to do.  These conditions harm us all.

        With enough women cultivating their energies together, the resulting synergies among themselves and with the men head toward the betterment of society and the upliftment of the whole nation and the whole of humanity. Whatever the women achieve by coming together and combining their energies, due recognition should be given to them for performing all those defined and undefined roles that must be recognized and valued by all. 

For any effort towards positive social change, a community can at least double the capability of the people comprising it by attaining the liberation of the womenfolk from the shackles of patriarchal ideas, structures and practices.  And wherever synergism is alive, the liberation of women more than doubles the community’s power.

        SanibLakas ng Taongbayan Foundation salutes the Women, and also the Men who are enlightened enough to really work hard for women’s liberation from patriarchy.  On International Women’s Day.   And everyday.
   We are working for a broader synergy of and for the entire Filipino people, men and women together, through our trainings, consultancies and other services, for individual and collective  human empowerment.

Saniblakas Center 6173-C Gabaldon st., Makati City, 
Telefax 8951173

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