SANIB-SINAG  2  March 14, 1998

Human: Alone and Together
By Ed Aurelio C. Reyes
Saniblakas President
 Same Human...

i’ve beheld the glow 
of your happy smile, 

sensed the power, 
and depth of your mind, 
felt the inner strength 
of character behind, 
and said: this is one 
empowered woman, 
inspiringly a happy human! 

but today i glimpsed 
your face most sullen, 
and your body fallen 
much like the sweater 
that was hanging limply 
on your chair’s backrest... 
and in a forced voice 
you half-whispered 
that you’ve been downed 
by your human side...  

woman, cast out the lie 
that humans are weak! 
we all have our bad days 
but to them we’re not meek. 
the sorrows we do meet 

and we rise back to our feet, 
to recover that greatness 
that within we should seek. 
and replacing tears and fears 
with confident cheers 

we rise on ever upwards 
back to our human peak! 

it’s the same human 
be you strong or weak 
these days, this week... 

it’s the same you! 

[Written for a new friend, 
February 5, 1998.] 

Human Power!

HUMAN. THE WORD is beautiful. It connotes a sense of dignity and wisdom, an image of a heart beating and feeling, an essence of soul breathing through a body.

Human. The word itself would not suggest hurt and hunger, hatred and helplessness. But what about the word people? How come in most societies, the people are forced to toil for the enjoyment of a few? How come they, taken as one, are an oppressed and exploited lot? How come, when they band together to build their states, they are disadvantaged by the rules promulgated by these states? How come their supposed servants, the government functionaries, seem to have developed the habit of lording it over them? How come they can only sigh over their woes? And hope? And cope?

Human power! -- it’s time to regain it, it’s time to assert it, to hold it firmly in the hands of the people! The people must be empowered, by waking up and enhancing their individual inner strengths, and by their coming together not for subservience to external masters but for their very own human synergism, self-actualization and self-determination.

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