SANIB-SINAG  1  February 15, 1998

What is a Healthy Organization?
(Brief Description of the Empowering Mechanisms for the People)
By Ed Aurelio C. Reyes 
Saniblakas President

WHAT, in the world, is a "healthy" organization? It is one where ‘saniblakas’ or the principle of synergism is lived to the fullest, where this powerful principle is very much alive in decision-making processes that are broad-based, integrative and unifying ("synergism of many minds"), very much alive in the members’ concerted actions pursuing the vision and mission, ("synergism of the bodies") and very much alive in the members’ morale, in their strong sense of individual and collective determination and fulfillment ("synergism of the hearts").

[This is excerpted from a Saniblakas flyer seeking synergism success stories in organization development (O.D.) for wide propagation by the Foundation, which is about to launch a research and propagation project on such projects. The flyer gives contact names and numbers for interested organizations to reach.]


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