October 22, 2000 |
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PERSPECTIVE -- this is what we all need to have and keep in order to respond
constructively to the present economic and political crises. We need a
viewpoint that lifts all our hearts and minds well beyond divisive debates
on individual personalities, specific acts, and sensational twists and
turns. Let us not allow the sensationalized details played up by
the commercial media -- even if some of these really deserve our attention
-- and let us not allow the oversupply of "Erap jokes" -- even if some
of these are really witty -- to drown out from our collective awareness
the larger national interests, the longer historical processes, and the
common desire for peace and progress in our country. .Let
us all keep our sense of focus and sense of proportion, and avert further
do have to address the despicable levels of graft and corruption in our
society, but unless we are ready to believe that it all just started under
the present administration, we should also be critical of the hypocrisy
of those personalities who were part of full-blown graft and corruption
machineries in the past but who now dare claim to be "holier-than-thou."
And if we take illegal gambling in proper perspective, for example, we
would not put it on equal terms with policies that have sacrificed the
health, environment, income levels and other interests of our people just
to appease foreign creditors and investors and international usurer agencies.
It would take much effort to develop such sense of history. With too many
of us absorbed in passionately debating some media-spotlighted controversy
or other from week to week, even from day to day, who would remember any
of those antecedents?
failing memory, it is not surprising that some of us fall into the very
narrow notion that the entire problem is with the incumbent president and
everything would be all right if only we could replace him with another
politician real soon. That kind of idea looked a bit brighter when
it first held sway 14 years ago, when we were choosing between a tyrant
of 20 years and a plain widow. But history should have taught us
soon afterwards that removing a tyrant without removing much else in the
system retains tyranny; that cheering even a non-politician figure without
seeing all the traditional politicians around her retains the graft-ridden
political realities; and playing blind to the dominant foreign-investor
influence on our economy is tantamount to blaming this or that group
of rats for rice disappearing from our storehouses by truckloads.
blame President Estrada alone for high gasoline prices, for example, is
to forget which administration was behind the energy deregulation law and
the privatization of Petron! To blame him for the shrinking value
of the peso is to forget which administration decided to honor all the
illegal debts of the dictatorship we had then just deposed, and that such
policy has been a single most consequential factor in our worsening economic
crises since then. Estrada's governing style and personal lifestyle
really leave so much to be desired, and some acts have crossed the bounds
of the legal (like banning Inquirer reporters from legitimate coverage)
but his more significant offense against the people's interests has been
his very continuance of his predecessors' consistent obedience to foreign-investor
and foreign-creditor dictates for honoring all those illegal debts, "leveling
the playing field," privatizing basic public services while raising taxes,
etc., and all the while claiming to be "pro-poor."
engage in partisan polarization led by opposition and administration politicians
makes it all the worse because this drives deep wedges among the citizenry,
even in neighborhoods and families, with myopic views clashing with other
myopic views and achieving nothing but worse social disunity. Let
not the politicians be cheered and applauded as they grandstand "on company
time," that is, when they should all be working together everyday for the
upliftment of the sovereign politic; more importantly, let us not allow
ourselves to join the fray and engage in proxy-quarrels for them in our
offices, shops and homes, as if we really had anything to gain by siding
with any of them.
is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of the country.
How to do that? We propose some ways:
a broader view of things. Consider things in proper perspective, take the
long view. Remind everyone that
there has been a decades-long historical antecedent to the present economic
crisis, and the solutions are not as instant as a "snap election" or having
another politician succeed the incumbent one. Tinkering with the Constitution
just to effect such "quick fix" is not worth the constitutional instability
it would cause, because it can't possibly solve the problem in real terms.
Many of the problems are systemic and have their roots in previous administrations
across decades and in the century-old effective dominance by an economic
superpower that has been more eager to help a world-war foe than a world-war
ally. Also in our own level of consciousness and patterns of political
behavior as citizens.
Let's start to personally live daily and fully
the ethics we want all the other people to adopt; it will really take some
time, but no solution to our social problems can ever work without that!
influence all those debates on the crisis in order to raise them to the
level of intelligent discourse, refraining from rabid partisanship,
and engaging instead in "sanib-sinag" or light-sharing" conversations.
This is the ethic of earnest human conversations for all to be speaking
with honest humility and listening with genuine respect, enjoying the common---alities
and being mutually enriched by the diversities. While it is positive that
we have the opportunity to process our response to the crisis collectively
and publicly, it cannot remain positive if this processing is done at the
level of impassioned debates and rantings.
build a consensus that our country urgently needs the combined efforts
of all patriotic Filipinos to reassert the collective nobility of our nation,
based on our heritage. An enlightened
and morally-upright citizenry would choose only deserving candidates for
public office. The masses have achieved the historical feat of having
their collective will decisively prevail in a presidential election, something
long overdue in a democracy. They can now be helped to make a much better
judgment as to who should be their next candidate, and make the latter
prevail without the guns, goons and gold of traditional politicians.
to highlight the traditional Filipino value of "damayan" which is
very much alive during crises and calamities.
Our present economic woes will surely worsen because we cannot expect any
Philippine administration in the near future to defy foreign-investor dictation
and shift priority to the people's actual interests. And it can only worsen
faster in a period of political instability. Unless we strengthen whatever
strands of unity have remained so far among our people, the economic crisis
will push more and more of us to destitution, to desperation, to anti-social
acts that victimize mainly those who are also destitute and desperate.
That would cut deep wounds of division in our collective psyche which would
be very difficult to heal. Now, if we abet more rabid partisanship
among our people against this and for that politician, we are in effect
railroading our people to that scenario of chaos, with food riots, lootings,
arson, killings left and right.
are not asking the opposition to abandon its work; neither are we asking
the Estrada administration to stop trying to defend itself and asserting
its mandate. But we are calling upon the people to demand, and to actually
show the way, for a much better handling of the crises. (SanibLakas
Foundation is asking all individuals and groups who find merit in this
statement to help us reach more and more people with its analyses and calls.
We have faith in such synergy.)
magtulungan, huwag magsiraan, huwag magbangayan! Magsanib-sanib tayo
ng lakas. Let's build the national synergy on a positive tone and really
pull one another up through positive, unifying means. Anger poisons our
rationality and sense of proportion, divides us and destroys our sense
of community and nationhood. Let's have more statesmanship here.
Let's have more maturity, honesty, love and concern which all heal and
strengthen. Let us build the unifying strength to hurdle the obstacles
to peace and prosperity in our country and in the world. We owe it to ourselves
as a nation. And we owe it to all our babies yet unborn.
Makati City, Philippines October 22, 2000
For the SanibLakas
Board of Trustees,
(Sgd.) Ed Aurelio
C. Reyes
Founder and
SanibLakas ng
Taongbayan Foundation
6173-C Gabaldon
st., Makati,
1210 Philippines